Amazon is offering several deals on the Apple iPhone 12 Mini which will let potential customers bag the smartphone for just Rs 32,950 with several deals and offers. iPhone 12 is priced at Rs 69,900, Rs 74,900 and Rs 84,900 for its 64 GB, 128 GB and 256 GB variants on the e-retailer platform.
But with discounts, exchange offers and bank offers, the price can be brought down considerably to the delight of Apple fans.
The 64 GB variant of the iPhone 12 Mini is being offered with a discount of Rs 20,000 or 28 percent off on Amazon. The 128 GB variant is similarly being priced with a 13 percent discount that knocks off Rs 10,000 from its price. Finally, the largest and most expensive iPhone 12 Mini variant is being offered with a 30 percent discount that reduces its price by Rs 25,701.
While these discounts themselves make buying the iPhone 12 Mini an attractive proposition, customers can reduce the price further. By exchanging their old smartphone, customers will be able to get an additional discount of up to Rs 14,950. The highest exchange value being offered is for the Apple Xs 512 GB variant.
Buyers also can take advantage of various bank offers for the purchase as well. HDFC Bank customers who have either a credit card or a debit card from the bank can avail of an additional maximum Rs 5,000 discount on their purchase of iPhone 12 Mini if the purchase value is above 90 percent of MRP. Customers of HSBC Bank will be able to enjoy a 7.5 percent discount up to a maximum of Rs 2000 on HSBC Credit Card EMI transactions when purchasing the phone.
First Published:Dec 21, 2021 5:12 PM IST