Online retail giant Amazon has invested Rs 230 crore in its payments arm Amazon Pay to ramp up the company's infrastructure and attract more customers in Asia's third-largest economy.
The latest infusion came from Singapore-based Amazon Corporate Holdings Pvt Ltd and Mauritius-based Limited, who were allotted 22.9 crore and 22.9 lakh shares of Rs 10 face value each, respectively.
Also Read: Amazon Prime Day playbook: How to be a shopping ninja today
The company has infused Rs 195 crore in March in Amazon Pay.
Amazon is looking to push its wallet beyond its marketplace to other online merchants and take on Flipkart’s PhonePe and Paytm.
Amazon gave away a lump sum of cash back to customers in their Amazon Pay wallets as part of their fifth-anniversary celebrations in India.
First Published:Jul 16, 2018 3:04 PM IST