Union Health Ministry on Thursday said that two cases of Omicron variant of COVID-19 have been discovered in Karnataka. Credit card spends in India have witnessed a surge thanks to the festive season. India's largest carmaker will hike the prices of its vehicles again, with effect from January 2022. Audi also announced a price increase of up to 3 percent across its entire model range.Here are some top news of the day
Gujarat becomes India's leading manufacturing hub
Gujarat has overtaken Maharashtra to become the country's leading manufacturing hub, data from the Reserve Bank of India showed. Gujarat's gross value addition in manufacturing grew by 15 percent annually. Read more
Spending on health-related items dips
According to data from Inda Consumer Sentiment Index of Axis My India, India's spending on health-related items dipped in percentage terms in November, even as there was a rise in household spending. Read more
Maruti Suzuki, Audi to hike prices from January
India's largest carmaker will hike the prices of its vehicles again, with effect from January 2022. The hike will vary for different models. This is the fourth time the carmaker has announced a price hike this year. Read more
German luxury carmaker Audi on Thursday announced a price increase of up to 3 percent across its entire model range, effective from January 1 next year, owing to a rise in input and operational costs. Read details
'Markets more concerned about hawkish Fed than Omicron'
Market veteran Adrian Mowat told CNBC-TV18 that global markets are more worried about a hawkish Fed rather than the Omicron variant of the coronavirus. He said Fed Chair Jerome Powell's comments are the main reason for the current market correction. Here's why he said this.
Hero Moto enters bear market
The shares of Hero Motocorp have fallen 21 percent in 2021, taking the share into bear territory. The stock has been the worst performer in the Nifty this year. The shares closed at Rs 2,481 today. Here's why the stock is in the red for the year.
Paytm gets first 'buy' rating
After receiving a very lukewarm treatment from investors on IPO, Paytm, the fintech stock has received the first 'buy' rating from Dolat Capital. The brokerage is the third one to initiate coverage. Check the target price here.
Two cases of Omicron variant found in Karnataka
Union Health Ministry on Thursday said that two cases of Omicron variant of COVID-19 have been discovered in Karnataka.