Bilal Ahmed Dar, a resident of Jammu and Kashmir’s Bandipora district, grabbed the headlines when Prime Minister Narendra Modi recognised him in his Mann Ki Baat radio address in 2017. PM Modi called him out for his amazing work of cleaning more than 12,000 kg of garbage from Wular Lake in just one year. The then 18-year-old Bilal was even made the brand ambassador for cleanliness by the Srinagar Municipal Corporation.
However, Bilal is not one to rest on his laurels. The zeal to make Kashmir garbage-free has led Bilal to clean up other water bodies in the Valley.
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Bilal has shown others how small steps by even an individual can bring significant changes towards sustainable living.
Citizens like Bilal Ahmed Dar are the true ambassadors of the Swachh Bharat Mission. Bilal will be honoured at the Rising India Summit 2023, which may inspire others to emulate his action.
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News18 Rising India will recognise such real heroes on March 29 and 30. Rising India celebrates the common people and their uncommon achievements that brought about a positive change in our country.
(Edited by : Shoma Bhattacharjee)
First Published:Mar 28, 2023 9:07 PM IST