Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday launched the 'Lifestyle for the Environment (LiFE) Movement', a global initiative, and asserted that its vision is to live a lifestyle that is in tune with our planet and does not harm it. Those who live such a lifestyle are called pro-planet people," he said in a video address, and added that "Mission LiFE' borrows from the past, operates in the present and focuses on the future.
Giving the slogan of "one earth, many efforts", he said India is ready to lend its support to actions to make environment better and improve global wellness.
With the launch coinciding with World Environment Day, Modi said our planet's challenges are well-known, and the need of the hour is human-centric, collective efforts and robust actions that further sustainable development.
"Reduce, reuse and recycle are the concepts woven in our life. Circular economy has been an integral part of our culture and lifestyle," Modi said, noting that gods and goddesses in India have plants and animals associated with them, and nature equated with divinity.
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"Mahatma Gandhi talked about a zero-carbon lifestyle. In our daily life choices, let us pick the most sustainable options. Let us follow the principle of reuse, reduce and recycle. Our planet is one but our efforts have to be many. One earth, many efforts," he said.
India has been able to do many good things for the environment, with its forest cover increasing and so is the population of lions, tigers, leopards, elephants and rhinos, he said.
He added, "Our commitment to reach 40 percent of installed electric capacity from non-fossil fuel-based sources has been achieved, nine years ahead of schedule. We have achieved 10 percent ethanol blending in petrol, five months ahead of the November 2022 target. This is a major accomplishment given that blending was hardly 1.5 per cent in 2013-14 and 5 per cent in 2019-20."
The Prime Minister's Office (PMO) had earlier said the launch will initiate "LiFE global call for papers," inviting ideas and suggestions from academics, universities and research institutions to influence and persuade individuals, communities and organisations across the world to adopt an environment-conscious lifestyle. Bill Gates, Co-Chairman of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, was among many dignitaries who attended the programme.