Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday wore a Nehru jacket made from recycled plastic bottles to Parliament. Attending the Rajya Sabha proceedings this morning, the prime minister was spotted wearing a light blue "sadri."
The jacket was made of materials recycled from 28 single-use plastic bottles, BJP officials said.
"Promoting Pro Environment initiatives has been one of the core philosophies of Hon'ble PM Shri @narendramodi Ji," said BJP National Spokesperson Sambit Patra on Twitter.
Back in July 2022, the Indian government had imposed a ban on single-use plastic products such as earbuds, candy sticks, cutlery and banners, among other items.
Modi's decision to don this jacket was also praised by his contemporaries such as Union Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Pralhad Joshi and BJP National Vice President DK Aruna.
"Modi ji doesn't just walk the talk, he also leads the front. A superb way to promote climate consciousness," Joshi tweeted.
"A true leader leads by example," Aruna tweeted, echoing Joshi's sentiments. "A step towards embracing sustainability, PM Modi Ji's gesture sending a powerful message towards a greener environment."
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The jacket was presented to PM Modi by the Indian Oil Corporation on Monday during the ongoing India Energy Week in Bengaluru.
The prime minister had, on February 6, launched the company's "Unbottled" initiative aimed at recycling polyethylene terephthalate or PET bottles made from 100 percent recyclable plastic into uniforms for retail customer attendants and LPG delivery personnel.
This move aligns with Modi's Mission LiFE movement, a three-pronged strategy to change India's collective approach towards sustainability through demand, supply and policy. The mission re-emphasises the importance of reduce, reuse and recycle.
With agency inputs.
First Published:Feb 8, 2023 2:42 PM IST