Dense fog enveloped parts of Delhi early on Monday after temperature dipped to as low as six degrees celsius. According to the India Meteorological Department (IMD), "shallow to moderate fog (was witnessed) in the morning" in the national capital. The weather department added that the maximum and minimum temperatures would be around 24 and 6 degrees celsius respectively.
Around 20 trains were delayed by 15 minute to 2 hours, an official was quoted by PTI as saying. "Fog affecting train movement today. We have taken precautionary measures. Speed restrictions are put in place in such conditions. Safety is our priority. Passengers are informed about schedules through announcements and other means," a northern railway spokesperson said.
Uttar Pradesh | Visibility reduces in Ghaziabad as a dense layer of fog covered the city this morning.
As per IMD, Ghaziabad to experience 'Fog/mist in the morning and mainly clear sky later' today with the minimum temperature being 9 degrees Celsius.— ANI UP/Uttarakhand (@ANINewsUP) December 19, 2022
No flight operations have been impacted so far. The IMD said 200 metres' visibility over Delhi airport from 3:30 am to 6 am improved to 350 metres at 7 am. According to the IMD, very dense fog is when visibility is between 0 and 50 metres, 51 and 200 is dense, 201 and 500 moderate, and 501 and 1,000 shallow.
Besides Delhi, a dense layer of fog was also seen in parts of Punjab, Haryana, and Western Uttar Pradesh, showed INSAT 3D Rapid satellite imagery. The visibility over Amritsar, Patiala, Bareilly, Lucknow and Bahraich was reported to be between 25-50 metres at 5:30 am.
Uttar Pradesh | Visibility reduces in Ghaziabad as a dense layer of fog covered the city this morning.
As per IMD, Ghaziabad to experience 'Fog/mist in the morning and mainly clear sky later' today with the minimum temperature being 9 degrees Celsius.— ANI UP/Uttarakhand (@ANINewsUP) December 19, 2022
Meanwhile, cold wave conditions and dense fog are likely to prevail at isolated places in Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, West Uttar Pradesh and East Uttar Pradesh, as per the IMD. The weather department has predicted dense to very dense fog over the plains in northwest India during the next five days.
According to the IMD, very dense fog is when visibility is between 0 and 50 metres, 51 and 200 is dense, 201 and 500 moderate, and 501 and 1,000 shallow.
First Published:Dec 19, 2022 10:21 AM IST