A day after SBI and Bank of Baroda announced festival season offer, Punjab National Bank on Friday slashed the interest rate on home loan above Rs 50 lakh by 0.50 percent to 6.60 percent. "In a series of offers launched by Punjab National Bank during the festival season, PNB has cut the interest rate on home loans above Rs 50 lakh by 50 basis points (0.50 percent).
"PNB has announced that now home loans are offered at 6.60 percent irrespective of any upper ceiling limit," it said in a statement. The state-owned lender said the rate will be linked with the applicant's credit score.
"The said rate is also applicable to balance transfer cases and is lowest among public sector banks," it said. Further, it will offer top-up home loans at an attractive rate of interest to existing as well as balance transfer cases.
PNB said it is already offering a full waiver of service charges/processing fees on home, vehicle, personal, pension loans, myProperty loan and gold loans under its 'Festival Bonanza Offer'. While car loan starts from 7.15 percent, personal loan begins from 8.95 percent, which is one of the lowest in the industry, it added.
Also Read: SBI announces festive offers, home loans now available at 6.70% irrespective of amount
The lender said home loan will become more affordable to customers in view of full waiver of service charges and a low interest rate starting from 6.60 percent. Earlier in the day, PNB also cut the external benchmark linked RLLR by 0.25 percent to 6.55 percent.
Also Read: Kotak Mahindra Bank sees shift from rental to owning homes due to price correction, lower interest rates
"The repo-linked lending rate (RLLR) has been changed from 6.80 percent to 6.55 percent, with effect from September 17, 2021 (Friday)," PNB said in a regulatory filing. RLLR was introduced in October 2019. It is a floating rate-based personal or retail loan that is linked to external benchmarks, such as repo rate of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).